5 cups water                                              2 tbsp. salt (less if sausage is salty)
                                                2 lbs. ground beef                                      1 scant T. poultry seasoning
                                                1 lb. sausage                                              3 T. Accent
                                                1 large onion, chopped fine                        1 large loaf bread, plus 5 to 6 slices
                                                4 or 5 stalks celery, chopped fine               (about 29 slices all together)

                                              Toast bread in large pan, turn occasionally.  Cut toast in 1/3” pieces.

                                              In a five or six-quart kettle, cook slowly everything except bread.  Cook 25 minutes to ½ hour.
                                              Then turn to low as possible and let simmer as you add bread cubes, stirring all the while until
                                              softened.  Cool thoroughly, overnight is best.  Store in refrigerator until time to stuff turkey.
                                              Then roast turkey your favorite way.

                                              THIS DRESSING IS A REAL WINNER, AND ONCE YOU’VE TRIED IT, YOU’LL NEVER
                                              WANT ANY OTHER.

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